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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 黃秋生 Perry, Anthony » 地(足否)搖滾 » Mongorlia Killer

歌 手: 黃秋生 (Perry, Anthony)

歌 曲: Mongorlia Killer (專 輯:地(足否)搖滾)

上傳會員: Kwan~

日 期: 2002 - 1

歌 詞
曲:胡偉聰 | 詞:Tong Lui/黃秋生 | 編:Edmund Leung/胡偉聰  
ix years old i met a prisoner with my grandmo
He was tied up in the soldier's truck
The green uniforms imll kill him in the executi
Before they put the bullet in the gun
They go nna take him to another town
To pubuc trial what he have done
Tile truck moving on
People encircle like 80tti8h ram
He stands erect on the truck's tall
Gone with steely wheel
Ne left me hill last sight
With weird smile look me inside
Suddenly I felt strange warm
Re gave me the desire--kill everyone

Twenty years later lam strongi
I kill pf-ople withoutaun

Nowsunlioht falling on my naked shoulder
I stand erect on the same truck to have his view
Now I known what he felt how
Standing on the moving truck
Grassland become miracle in this angle
Sweet lasted air in my tongue
I Pray to the wide sky
Appreciate that i had great, great, life
Green uniform8 standing by my side
I'm in the truck traveling across time
I see my self reflecting from the past
I wen ry years ago in front of the door
A soy standing there
Smaller and smaller gina disappear gonna
I murmur in my heart to say good-bye
This is my last sight
One bullet gonna finish my life
I feel i'm close to the other bide
I'm not sure i will come back
..Back to ..your life  

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